Monday 31 October 2016

The horse race 'that stops a nation' cops a sledging on social media

The annual Australian celebration of dressing up, drinking bubbles and throwing money at horses running around in a circle has arrived once more. With it, come the inevitable the social media mutterings of those not-too-chuffed with the whole affair.

The Melbourne Cup is an annual horse race with a colourful history. In recent years, that history has included more calls to ban the race, after the very public deaths of a few of competing animals.

With satire and cynicism, Australians against "animal cruelty," gambling or mass displays of drunkness and big ol' hats, have taken to social media to express their waning interest in the sport. Read more...

More about Australia, Twitter, Gambling, Horse Racing, and Animal Cruelty

from Social Media

Twitter's Melbourne Cup livestream could change how we 'broadcast' sport

The horse race that stops the nation, Australia's the Melbourne Cup will this year be streamed live on Twitter Tuesday, competing with the Seven Network's stream and live TV broadcast of the race.

The Melbourne Cup is not the first sport that Twitter has live streamed, but is the first outside the United States.

Earlier this year the National Football League (NFL) in the United States announced Twitter as "its exclusive partner" to stream certain games to a global audience for the 2016 NFL Regular Season.

The deal worth US$10 million dollars for ten Thursday night games, far less than the US$45 million per game paid by CBS and NBC. Read more...

More about Gambling, Horse Racing, Sports, Broadcast, and Livestreaming

from Social Media

Here’s 5 Smart Ways to Plan Your E-commerce Sales Promotion

Ready for your next sales promotion?

For some ecommerce teams, it’s a time-consuming task deciding which items to markdown and how to publicize a sales event. However, sales promotions play an integral role in attracting customers.

A survey found that up to 50% of consumers make a purchase only with a promotion. Shoppers desire a good deal before they invest in your products. Moreover, your business may want the additional revenue.

“Sales promotions can give you the edge you’re looking for when it comes to revenue. Successful companies know that sales promotions are among the most effective methods of increasing sales and building customer satisfaction,” writes Emily Weisberg, content marketing manager at ThriveHive.

Take a strategic approach when planning your sales promotions. Below are five smart ways to help your team.

1. Select Specific Incentives

Sales promotions take various shapes and forms. Cater your incentives to fit your consumers’ needs.

Start by using customer analytics. Historical purchasing habits can uncover what promotions performed well. Social media comments also provide first-hand details on whether customers possess interest.

Next, match your findings with a sales initiative. From mystery discounts to purchased-based donations to bundle sales, several options exist.

Monetate “found that 56% of businesses agree that flash-sale campaigns are better received than regular campaigns.” Limiting the timeframe creates urgency for the customer to act now.

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Thinking about free offers? PaySimple’s Vice President of Knowledge Lisa Hephner explains the power of free incentives:

“Everyone loves free. Whether it’s free gifts, free refills, or free service segments, free sells. One of the most powerful free offers is free shipping for online orders, as evidenced by multiple studies where respondents highlight it as the most important factor in making a purchase decision.”

Figure out the best promotions for your customers. Review your data before moving forward.

2. Cross-Sell With a Purpose

Every sales promotions doesn’t need to involve discounting your signature product. Instead, it can focus on secondary items.

Cross-selling is another opportunity to provide value to your customers. Buyers love convenience, and they want to save time shopping at one place. And it eliminates the hassle of sifting through multiple ecommerce sites.

Align your promotions with products that complement one another. Give consumers the chance to buy everything they need from your store.

“Savvy marketers use this concept to increase sales by informing consumers how one product complements another. Cross selling can take several forms. Understanding your customers’ motivations helps you choose which approach to take,” says Sara Huter, a contributor at BusinessBee.

For example, if your company sells cell phones, your team can offer a promotion on the accessories, like bluetooth earbuds, phone cases, or charging cables.

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Research found that “cross-selling was shown to be much more effective when presented on the checkout pages versus the product pages.” So, add images of promotional products in the sidebar menu.


Plus, cross-selling aids with bringing in more cash flow for your business. Amazon credits up to 35% of its revenue to cross-selling.

Think differently about ecommerce sales promotions. Don’t remove cross-selling from your list of possibilities.

3. Microtarget Your Customers

Microtargeting isn’t a new technique to your team. Nevertheless, you may be failing to put it into practice.

Segmenting your audience lets your business offer the right promotions to the right individuals. Customization speaks directly to consumers—signaling that you know exactly what they need.

Melissa Jenkins of Mel Jens Designs believes “running a successful promotion is all about finding that delicate balance between audience segmentation, great timing and setting the perfect price or placing the perfect offer.”

Examine your data to segment properly. Try geographical locations, buying habits, income levels, or even past purchasing behavior.

Dealers United Auto Group created mock ads targeted for car shoppers within 25 miles of the dealership that possess an interest in pets. Specificity is vital for effective micro targeting.

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A study reveals that 51% of marketers believe sharing data across their organizations is a major issue. Avoid data limitations that will hinder segmentation for your sales promotions.

Create an open dialogue across departments to gather all data about your customers. You’ll have more knowledge to build an accurate buyer persona.

Pinpoint who needs to know about your sales event. Microtargeting is a benefit to your company.

4. Hype Up Engagement

Draw attention to your sales promotions with social media and email campaigns. This extra engagement will get people interested in your sales incentives.

Facebook users spend an average of 50 minutes a day on its multiple platforms. Work with your team to promote sales on your social pages. Or even enlist the help of industry influencers to spread the word.

User-generated content (UGC) is also another way to lure shoppers toward your brand. Actual consumers enjoying your products authenticates your value to hesitate buyers.

“User-generated photos are a great way to generate social proof. Prospective customers see that your products are regularly being purchased people just like them, and feel more comfortable doing something that others are doing,” says Dan Wang, a content specialist at Shopify.

Big box retailer Target retweeted a post from loyal shoppers who made a funny video in one of its stores. Encourage customers to submit UGC of them unboxing your products.

Also, keep your email subscribers in the loop about promotions. Craft engaging emails that explain the benefits, provide social proof, and use a distinct call-to-action.

“When it comes to creating a high-converting marketing offer email, the final piece of the puzzle is using a prominent call to action button. This is important because buttons make it clear to the reader what the next step is and encourage them to click-through,” states Aaron Beashel, director of demand generation at Campaign Monitor.

Shout your sales promotions from the rooftop. Get shoppers excited to participate.

5. Move Toward Customer Loyalty

Returning customers spend on average 67% more than first-time customers. Consider promotions as a pathway to retaining customers.

Give your customers an opportunity to discover your brand’s values and culture. Sign up shoppers for your weekly newsletter, or enroll them in your rewards program.

Customer loyalty centers around building worthwhile relationships. However, buyers may only be interested in your promotions.

“The use of sales promotions can be positively utilised in order to encourage brand loyalty and brand switching by companies. However, academic research suggests that consumers can become loyal to sales promotions rather than a brand,” states Zhorna Ali, a sales and marketing assistant at M3.

To avoid consumers from brand switching, companies must thoroughly personalize their sales promotions strategy. Focus on specific product categories to remain competitive within the market.

Rather than giving sales incentives to everyone, Bare Escentuals limits its promotions to its loyal fans called Beauty Insiders. In the example below, customers received three free items with any order.

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Create plans to engage customers beyond your sales promotions. Earn their loyalty.

Prep for Sales Promotions

Planning for your next sales event involves lots of time and decision-making. You want to boost your revenue and satisfy customers.

Choose buyer-specific incentives that will attract people. Cross-sell products that complement one another. And think beyond the promotion by focusing on customer loyalty initiatives.

Upgrade your sales promotion. Prepare for it today.

About the Author: Shayla Price lives at the intersection of digital marketing, technology and social responsibility. Connect with her on Twitter @shaylaprice.

from The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog

How to be a legit NASA astronaut this Halloween

There are some cute, tiny astronauts, aliens and planets out there this Halloween.

NASA put out a call to followers on Twitter, asking them to share their space-themed costumes with the #NASACostume hashtag, and space fans obliged. 

After all, what's spookier than the eternal blackness of the ever-expanding universe?

The Halloween photos show plenty of happy little astronauts and even some adult space fans getting into the holiday spirit. 

Don't forget to tag your space-themed costume pics using #NASACostume
We ❤ #HappyHalloween. 🎃 👻

— NASA Marshall News (@NASA_Marshall) October 31, 2016

More about Halloween, Social Media, Space Phtoos, Nasa, and Science

from Social Media

#SproutChat Calendar: Upcoming Topics for November 2016

Professionals in the field are constantly having to evolve with their social media marketing and community management best practices. To help you thrive and navigate this career space we host #SproutChat every Wednesday from 2:00—3:00 p.m. CST. During this weekly Twitter Chat we discuss important industry topics and challenges.

For those of you who have joined us in the past, thank you. Our conversation is able to thrive because you’ve taken the time out of your day to learn with us and share your knowledge with your peers. If you haven’t yet had the chance to join a #SproutChat, we’d love to see you in our Twitter feed.

To make it easier to tune in and find a subject that interests you, we’ll post a monthly schedule of upcoming #SproutChat topics. And to further educate Sprout subscribers, the first chat of every month will focus on our product. All are welcome to join this  #SproutChat but the discussion questions will focus on how to optimize a feature of our social media management platform.

We chat every Wednesday from 2—3 p.m. CST. If you’ve never participated in one, take a look at our Twitter Chats guide with everything you need to know about how to get involved in the discussion.

All of the upcoming chats for November 2016 are listed below. Hope to see you there!

November 2, 2016: Using Keyword Search for Twitter & Instagram

Product Focus: Using Brand Keywords to Drive Engagement

Monitoring your organization’s brand handle only goes so far. With the sheer volume of social messages posted every second, it’s worth it for your brand to be keeping an ear to the ground for keywords and phrases that your industry and community are engaging with.

Sprout’s capability to monitor Twitter and Instagram keywords from within the Smart Inbox makes it easy to identify and participate in relevant conversations that help increase brand awareness and grow your community. Join this week’s #SproutChat for an informative discussion on getting the most out of Sprout’s Brand Keywords.

November 9, 2016: The Impact of In-Person Events on Your Organization

Sure, the internet has connected people far and wide by enabling both in-depth and quick conversations to occur. But this doesn’t mean that connecting in-person isn’t still important. Getting your business in front of people and connecting one-on-one with your audience at an event can have a much more profound impact on sales than an online ad. So how do you measure these kind of touch points and make the most of them? We’ll chat about how to connect on a memorable and measurable level with your audience offline.

November 16, 2016: Social Media Reporting & Analysis

In order to measure social ROI you need to be able to compile reports that include digestible, social media data. However, marketers know that the real value of social doesn’t come in the data it comes in the analysis and deciphering which metrics have real meaning for your overall strategy and the business’ bottom line. Don’t miss this lively discussion on everyone’s favorite topic—social media reporting and analysis.

November 23, 2016: No Chat This Week

We’ll be taking this week off. To our community stateside, “Happy Thanksgiving.”

November 30, 2016: Best Practices for Content Distribution

Content marketing drives traffic as marketers are well aware, but figuring out which channel different pieces of content should go can be a challenge. At this #SproutChat, Sprout All Star and Arment Dietrich Chief Content Officer Erika Heald will join us and share her advice around how to craft a content distribution strategy that generate the most traffic.

This post #SproutChat Calendar: Upcoming Topics for November 2016 originally appeared on Sprout Social.

from Sprout Social

Pinterest for Business: How to Get Started & Be Successful

Friday 28 October 2016

#SproutChat: Running a Social Media Campaign, Event or Contest

Running a event, campaign or contest is exciting for your social community. They get a chance to win something of value and engage with your brand and in a new and exciting way. This week at #SproutChat we discussed the why and how of running a social media contest.

Benefits That Go Beyond Exposure

A contest will undoubtedly provide a brand with more social media engagement and increased awareness. Prior to launching your contest, take the time out to really understand what drives your audience to participate. What do they value? Go beyond exposure and monetary prizes and include incentives that set your brand apart from competitors.

Choose Your Entry Format Carefully

At the end of the day, driving awareness and reach on social is great but you really want to impact the bottom line. Consider entry type and which will garner the most qualified prospects or leads.

Promote Your Contest Across Social Networks

After you’ve solidified a contest type, it’s time to focus on the logistics. Hosting your contest across multiple channels is great for exposure and ensures you reach each of your different audience types. However, a contest with such a large scope may be tough to manage. There’s no right or wrong answer and what your brand decides to do will be heavily influenced on budget, time, resources and your audience.

Get Inspired

Before you launch your contest, take a look at these campaigns for inspiration:

Next week, we’ll be releasing a calendar that outlines all of November’s upcoming #SproutChat topics. In the meantime, be sure to join our Facebook community to continue the conversation on social media contests and other industry related news.

This post #SproutChat: Running a Social Media Campaign, Event or Contest originally appeared on Sprout Social.

from Sprout Social