Wednesday 3 May 2017

Steve Bannon's master plans leaked in a White House selfie


In politics as in sports, it's probably best not to tell the other side what you plan to do. 

White House Senior Advisor Steve Bannon keeps a somewhat infamous whiteboard of his master plans in his office. In an age of constant hacking, writing your plans on an erasable whiteboard doesn't seem so crazy, but all that goes to hell if you or someone else takes a picture of that whiteboard and sends it to the masses on the web. 

A man by the name of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach visited the White House on Tuesday in honor of Israel's Independence Day. A quick look at his Twitter feed will tell you he mostly spent the day taking photos with politicians and other folks associated with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One of those folks was Bannon, and those photos took place in the senior advisor's office, in front of that whiteboard.  Read more...

More about Twitter, White House, Whiteboard, Steve Bannon, and Social Media

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