Thursday 4 May 2017

U.S. visa applicants may have to hand over their social media handles


If you're applying for a visa in the United States, the U.S. government may want to follow you on social media.

The State Department wants more United States visa applicants to hand over their social media handles, according to Reuters. 

Though the requirement allegedly doesn't apply to anyone of a particular nationality, it would affect anyone "determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism or other national security-related visa ineligibilities."

These applicants would have to list the social media handles they've used in the past five years, though the government wouldn't demand passwords for those handles (even if border agents can and do demand social media passwords from visitors pretty much whenever they like). Applicants would also have to hand over any phone numbers and email addresses they've used over the past five years, and they'd need to provide the U.S. government with information about their lives that covers the previous 15 years.  Read more...

More about Application, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media Handles, and Visas

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