Friday 29 September 2017

Don't send a girl you've never met a drawing you've made of her face


If there's one thing women can all agree on, it's that we don't like being internet stalked. And yet certain men never seem to get the message.

Take it from Natalie Steinbrink. She was recently Tindstagrammed — when someone from Tinder finds you on Instagram and slides into your DMs. But the "random tinder guy" who reached out to her also included a drawing he made that was inspired by one of her Instagram photos. 

Umm. Very not cool, random tinder guy. 

I've had a lot of weird tinder interactions but I think this dude Instagram DMing me a drawing he made of me takes the cake

— Natalie (@natsteinbrink) September 27, 2017

More about Instagram, Internet, Tinder, Dating Apps, and Social Media

from Social Media

#SproutChat Recap: Managing a Social Crisis

It can happen in an instant. A seemingly harmless response to a snarky comment on social can spiral into a full blown reputation crisis for a brand. How you manage and de-escalate a social crisis, as well as the steps you take to prevent it from happening again, are crucial to your customer service blueprint.

In this week’s chat we turned to our #SproutChat community to explore some best practices for managing a social emergency effectively and how to take precautions ahead of time to be ready with a plan.

Create a Crisis Communication Plan

Take the time to plan out a social media crisis management plan not just with your team, but across your organization—like your legal team and customer support—to thoroughly handle the issue. Be in tune with your audience and understand that certain tones, content or messages may not resonate with them and cause backlash.

Loop in the Appropriate People

When creating your crisis management plan think of who should be looped in with each step. Think of when your technology, legal, PR and Executive teams need to be brought in to help when crafting these plans. Consult with the appropriate people within your organization who would need eyes on what’s happening.

Brand Guidelines Are Key

When launching a new social channel take the time to figure out if brand guidelines are necessary. If you offer social support on your channels coordinate with customer service to be looped in on the appropriate responses to comments. Offer your brand guidelines to anyone at your business who is externally facing.

Don’t Ignore the Situation

Ultimately your crisis management plan may have a “stay silent” rule, but it’s important to not ignore comments and communicate with your team to effectively move forward with the plan. Encourage social team members to take the conversation offline as quickly as possible.

Keep Track of Incoming Messages

Negative comments are the first indicator that a possible crisis is brewing. If you tag incoming messages in your social platform you can easily take note and figure out the root of the problem. This is an easy method to also share the situation with others in your organization.

Join us for #SproutChat next week to discuss managing online communities with Sprout All Star, Meagan DeMenna, Community Manager at ClearVoice. Until then, be sure to join our Facebook Community to connect with other folks in the industry and stay on top of the latest social media news.

This post #SproutChat Recap: Managing a Social Crisis originally appeared on Sprout Social.

from Sprout Social

Make a giant career change into digital marketing for just $20


Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission.

The good news: social media and digital marketing can unlock massive conversion and revenue, taking your business to the next level of success. The not-so-good news: managing your own personal website and social media account won't exactly prepare you for a marketing job at a big company, no matter how many followers you have.

If you want to become a marketing master, you’ll need to immerse yourself in the nuances of the industry—and there’s no better way to accomplish that than live classroom learning with a real instructor. Luckily, you don’t need to enroll in expensive college courses to do that. Purchase the Digital Marketing & Social Media Bootcamp for a fast, affordable crash course that will earn you two certifications and get your foot in the door at your first marketing job.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Twitter, Marketing, Instagram, and Social Media

from Social Media

Wednesday 27 September 2017

How LucidChart Used Kissmetrics to Drive Growth

LucidChart, a SaaS-based diagramming application with over 9 million users, wanted to make sure their site was more than just pretty to look at. They wanted to ensure that it was leading users down the path to purchase. This is how they used Kissmetrics to leverage the behavioral data their users were leaving behind and increased conversions by 30%.

The initial step LucidChart took was to dive deep into data to better understand and evaluate the customer journey across their site. They learned what users were doing, where they were going and where they were dropping off across their site. Using insights from Kissmetrics they found key areas in the journey where they could drive efficiency and which pages they wanted to test a redesign.

After creating the new pages LucidChart used the Kissmetrics Funnel Report in correlation with the A/B Test Report to determine the effectiveness variation of the new pages both as a stand alone and part of the customer journey. Until they locked in on the best performing pages and process to drive conversions.

Funnel Report

Our Funnel Report is used by growth and marketing teams to see where dropoffs occur before conversions. This report is entirely customizable and can be used to track any conversion path you’d like. Furthermore, you can segment the data based on lead source, location, referring links, etc.

Used for illustration purposes. This is not LucidChart’s data.

LucidChart was able to track different segment’s across the customer journey and compare one another as well as use the A/B Test report to test the new design against the old.

A/B Test Report

With this report, you’ll create your test in an A/B testing tool, such as Optimizely, and track the results in Kissmetrics.

All data is imported from A/B testing tool and stored in Kissmetrics. Note: this is not LucidChart’s data.

What makes this Kissmetrics report unique is that you’ll be able to see how a test impacts any part of your funnel. Want to see if a new headline on your homepage leads to more purchases? Or see how a test in the middle of the funnel impacts the bottom line? Get your answer in just a few clicks in Kissmetrics. Having both reports coordinated in the same tool allowed LucidChart to measure the effectiveness of the new pages’ impact on the customer funnel with the old pages.

The Results

The outcome? By combining the power of the Kissmetrics A/B Test Report with the Funnel Report, LucidChart discovered that 2 pages in particular, their new homepage and new product page, were driving a huge 30% increase in conversions.

“Insights from Kissmetrics drove a 30% lift in our conversions. All of our key customer behavior data lives in Kissmetrics, for both our product and website, so we can quickly identify and take action on any roadblocks across our growth cycle. Kissmetrics is essential to Lucid Software’s growth efforts.”

Spencer Mann, VP of Growth at Lucid Software

Every time a prospect visits your site or uses your product they’re leaving a digital trail of their behavior – showing what they’re doing, where they get stuck, what they like, don’t like and why. There’s tremendous value in that data and it’s critical for driving growth.

Kissmetrics enables you to capture and leverage all that behavioral data to increase conversions, acquisitions and retention.

About Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics’ Customer Engagement Automation platform helps product and marketing teams turn insights into growth. Our software is comprised of 3 key features:

  • Analyze: A set of behavioral reports and metrics. Monitor your growth KPI’s across the customer lifecycle. And dive deep to understand user behavior and discover key insights.
  • Populations: Segment your users based on key growth initiatives and track their progress.
  • Campaigns: Behavior based email automation. Fully customizable editor puts you in complete control of customer engagement throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

kissmetrics products

Get, keep and grow more customer with Kissmetrics. Request a demo below to learn more.

About the Author: Jonathan Cabin is a Growth Analyst at Kissmetrics focused on initiatives that create sustainable growth. His background covers sales, project management and marketing. In his free time you can find him surfing, golfing and asking his boss for time off to travel.

from The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog

Twitter can keep its extra characters, I want to edit tweets


Geez, Twitter, have you not been listening?

Yesterday, in an unsolicited act of largess, Twitter doubled the number of tweet characters from 140 to 280 characters for unspecified number of Twitter users. The change was announced by Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey.

This is exactly what we don’t need. Forget brevity. I’ve spent a decade perfecting concise, 140-character tweets, even coining the term “Twoosh” (like a "swoosh") when I hit exactly that number.

I have applauded Twitter changes that reduced the impact of including Twitter handles and media on the character count.  Read more...

More about Twitter, Social Media, Tweets, Characters, and Character Count

from Social Media

Looks like Trump hasn't gotten upgraded to 280 characters on Twitter yet. Bless.


We may all be able to take a temporary sigh of relief.

When Twitter announced on Tuesday that the platform would be adding an additional 140 characters to tweets — giving users the option to compose 280-character messages in the future — everyone had the same fear: What will Donald Trump say with more characters?

But if the president's Wednesday morning tweetstorm is any suggestion, Trump hasn't been upgraded to 280 characters yet.

Donald Trump used the microblogging platform to embark on one of his infamous morning rants on Wednesday, taking shots at Facebook as "anti-Trump," calling out Fake News, and posing the question of collusion between outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post. Read more...

More about Facebook, Twitter, Conversations, Donald Trump, and Social Media

from Social Media