Wednesday 27 September 2017

Looks like Trump hasn't gotten upgraded to 280 characters on Twitter yet. Bless.


We may all be able to take a temporary sigh of relief.

When Twitter announced on Tuesday that the platform would be adding an additional 140 characters to tweets — giving users the option to compose 280-character messages in the future — everyone had the same fear: What will Donald Trump say with more characters?

But if the president's Wednesday morning tweetstorm is any suggestion, Trump hasn't been upgraded to 280 characters yet.

Donald Trump used the microblogging platform to embark on one of his infamous morning rants on Wednesday, taking shots at Facebook as "anti-Trump," calling out Fake News, and posing the question of collusion between outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post. Read more...

More about Facebook, Twitter, Conversations, Donald Trump, and Social Media

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