Monday 25 November 2019

Someone hired Mark McGrath and Anthony Scaramucci to break up with their boyfriend on Cameo

Someone hired Mark McGrath and Anthony Scaramucci to break up with their boyfriend on Cameo

A man named Brayden has had a rollercoaster of a past few days. Bad news: His relationship ended. Good news: Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath broke the news. Better news: Anthony Scaramucci broke the news, too, and the whole thing is probably an enormous prank.

A video has been circulating on Twitter that allegedly shows Mark McGrath (of Sugar Ray) breaking up with Brayden on Cheyenne's behalf via Cameo, the app where users can pay celebrities to send personalized video messages to their contacts. Each celebrity charges a different rate. McGrath's (as in, the guy from Sugar Ray) is $100 per video.

McGrath seems a little — just a little — uncomfortable with sending a breakup video, but he manages the emotional complexity of the situation pretty well. He even draws a parallel between Brayden's relationship and his own marriage, which is a weird move but also quite sweet.  Read more...

More about Twitter, Social Media, Cameo, Anthony Scaramucci, and Mark Mcgrath

from Social Media

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