Wednesday 9 May 2018

And now, a toast to the #CeleBreadies hashtag


Love puns, bread, and celebrities? I feel like a lot of you do. If so, please direct your attention to Twitter, where the hashtag #CeleBreadies provided a fair amount of yeasty delight on Wednesday.

The concept here is simple: fresh-baked bread puns made using celebrity names. 

There is literally nothing else to it, and there doesn't have to be. And so I present these examples without further comment, hopeful that you'll also almost spit out coffee when you see the phrase "Sharon Scone."

Please enjoy.

Condoleezza Slice #CeleBreadies

— Shea Browning (@SheaBrowning) May 9, 2018

More about Twitter, Celebrities, Bread, Social Media, and Culture

from Social Media

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