Monday 11 March 2019

Another reason to fear Facebook: Trump admin considers using social media to deny you benefits


As if you needed another reason to stop posting on Facebook

The Trump administration is reportedly working in collaboration with the Social Security Administration to develop a plan for combing through social media posts for evidence — whatever that means — that those receiving certain types of government benefits should have those benefits denied. That's right, your 'gram-worthy vacation pics could soon cause you to lose your disability insurance benefits. 

So reports the New York Times, which cites "administration officials" as confirming that the White House is "actively" working on making this authoritarian fever dream a reality. The idea is not a new one, the Times notes, having been suggested in an earlier Social Security budget request, but this new reporting confirms that it's moved past the conceptual phase. Read more...

More about Facebook, Twitter, Donald Trump, Social Media, and Tech

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