Tuesday 24 November 2020

Facebook moderators blast Zuckerberg, claim he's risking their lives for profits

Facebook moderators blast Zuckerberg, claim he's risking their lives for profits

Mark Zuckerberg's drive for profits might end with their deaths. 

So argue the more than 200 content moderators who published an open letter Wednesday accusing the Facebook CEO of hypocrisy and a wanton disregard for their health during a raging pandemic. In demanding many return to the office, the moderators insist, both Zuckerberg and the CEOs of content moderation companies CPL and Accenture have taken the psychologically taxing job of content moderation and added the deadly element of coronavirus exposure. 

The letter, which was also posted to Facebook's Workplace channels, lays out both a list of grievances and demands. It also highlights Zuckerberg's wealth gains — he has almost doubled his during the pandemic — while noting that content moderators aren't even getting hazard pay.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Social Media, Coronavirus, Tech, and Social Media Companies

from Social Media https://ift.tt/35N0DX3

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