Wednesday 1 February 2017

Why social media is freaking you out in Trump's America—and how to stop it

Remember when Facebook was a fun place to see cute baby photos? And now it feels more like a sanitarium where everyone's screeching about the impending apocalypse? And scrolling through it knots your stomach and makes you feel like going to bed forever? 

Turns out,  there's something to all of that.

Consider how your relationship with social media's changed since President Donald Trump took office. It's no doubt helped you stay on top of each day's fresh horror unleashed by the guy elected to lead our free world, like the Muslim ban railroaded into place by executive order at the end of last week. Maybe it's helped you join—or even organize—some protests. Read more...

More about Anxiety, Donald Trump, Twitter, Facebook, and Social Media

from Social Media

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