Monday 22 January 2018

Facebook admits that, yea, maybe it's not great for democracy


Facebook is many things, but good for democracy might not be one of them.

On Monday, Facebook executives and outside experts publicly released their thoughts on the effect social media — specifically Zuckerberg's controversial platform — has on democracy.

The conclusion? Um, well, yeah — it might not be so great. And Facebook did not realize that in a timely manner.

"In 2016, we at Facebook were far too slow to recognize how bad actors were abusing our platform. We’re working diligently to neutralize these risks now," wrote Samidh Chakrabarti, who leads Facebook’s civic engagement team.

Outside experts agreed, noting that Facebook did do some things well, but that the U.S. election proved that its platform can be abused. Read more...

More about Business, Facebook, Conversations, Politics, and Mark Zuckerberg

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