Monday 15 March 2021

The Easiest Way to Find New Link Opportunities

The hardest part about SEO is link building.

Everyone says if you just email people begging for links, you’ll get them.

And although that’s somewhat true, it doesn’t make it easier.

Because what you’ll find is that if you send 100 emails you may get 2 or 3 links.

So, I decided to change things up and make things easier for you by releasing a few new features in Ubersuggest to help you get more links.

New and Lost links

I want you to go here and put in one of your competitor URLs. Now, click the “search” button.

Once you do that, you’ll see a report that looks like this.

When you scroll down a bit you’ll see a chart with new and lost links. This chart breaks down the new links a site receives on a daily basis and the links they lose.

I want you to click on any of the bars in the new and lost link chart. It will take you to a report that looks like this.

As you can see, it shows you the new links that the site acquired.

You can then look at those links and see if any of them should be linking to your site.

For example, the first link on that list is from Active Network. You would then go to that site and see where they are linking to your competition. In this case, it looks something like this:

They linked to Search Engine Journal (my competition) when discussing SEO and, more specifically, heading tags.

But they didn’t link to me.

So I would email them something like this:

Subject: Your Get Found on Google article

Hey Jessica,

Great article on getting found on Google.

I know you mentioned heading tags and linked to the Search Engine Journal article that covers what headings are.

I actually ran an experiment that breaks down if headings really increase your rankings or not. The results are interesting and I bet your readers would love it.

Feel free and add a link to it if you like it.


Neil Patel

PS: Let me know if I can do anything for you.

If you take the time and send out custom emails like the one above, your success rate for link building should shoot up into the double-digit percentile. The key is to look for recent links because people are more engaged when they just publish articles versus modifying older ones from what we have seen.

You also have to make sure it is super custom or else it won’t convert well. People don’t want to read an email that is just copy and pasted with the name swapped out.

You can do this for all of your competitors. It doesn’t take too long and you only have to send out a handful of emails each day.

If you are struggling to find the email address of the author of the article or the webmaster, use tools like Hunter.

Get back the links you just lost

Similar to the link building approach I showed you above, I now want you to now enter your own URL.

Then scroll down to the new and lost link section.

I want you to click on any day you lost links. You’ll see a report that looks like:

Now click on the “lost” button.

This will bring up all the links you lost.

Go through all of the relevant links and see if you can convince any of the site owners who removed your link if they will add it back.

Here’s an email I just sent out…

Subject: Hey Yoshi, I noticed you removed my link

Hope all is well, Yoshi. I noticed that you removed a link to my article on Google AdWords.

I don’t know if you have seen it recently, but I just updated the article and included tips on what advertisers can do with the rising ad costs and how to keep your costs down.

Would love to see you add the link back. 🙂

If you think I need to do anything to make the article better, please let me know, I am open to feedback.


Neil Patel

PS: Let me know if I can do anything for you.

As you email people, you’ll find that the majority of them will ignore your email. But I usually find that 10% to 20% of the people I email to add my link back usually add it.

The key is to make sure you are emailing site owners who just removed your link and not the whole page. What you find is if a webmaster deletes a page (that contained a link to you), it’s tough to convince them to link back to you again when the page doesn’t exist.

But wait there is more…

I’ve also added two more features that will help you with your link building.

The first is a domain authority distribution pie chart.

You can quickly see the authority of the websites that are linking to you. For example, with the site, I have 661 links from a domain authority 81 or higher. And I have 1,474 links from sites with a domain authority of 61 to 80.

The higher domain authority links you get, the higher your domain authority will be.

You can also use this chart to compare how many high domain authority links your competitors have versus you.

The second feature I added is the anchor text distribution chart.

This breaks down the link text people are using to link to you.

And if you use Ubersuggest to get data on a specific page instead of an overall domain, you see the anchor text of the links pointing to that specific page.

This data will help you understand how anchor text rich your links need to be if you want to rank high. You can take a competitor URL that ranks above you, plug it into Ubersuggest, and see the domain authority distribution as well as anchor text distribution.


If you haven’t, go play with the new Ubersuggest backlink report. It will give you insights on what your competition is doing from a link aspect.

From anchor text, to domain authority, to even new and lost links.

And in the upcoming months, I will be adding a link intersect feature where I show you who links to your competition and not you. That way it becomes easier for you to focus your efforts on acquiring links from new domains.

So what do you think of the new Ubersuggest feature?

The post The Easiest Way to Find New Link Opportunities appeared first on Neil Patel.

from Blog – Neil Patel

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