Wednesday 19 April 2017

The moment in 'The Circle' when Emma Watson has a horrifying, dangerous idea


We've all been young and full of ideas — some of you may even be young and full of ideas — and that's a very terrible, very dangerous thing. You people must be stopped.

Exhibit A: This clip from The Circle, exclusively shared with Mashable, in which Emma Watson's young and full-of-ideas character has a light bulb go on. A highly radioactive, shrapnel-filled doomsday bomb of a light bulb.

Seriously, just watch it (above) and tell us whether anyone who's young and optimistic enough to be like "Hey, we can still make it to Tijuana before midnight!" should also be trusted with geopolitically loaded tech innovations. Or cars. Or social media accounts. Read more...

More about Movie Trailers, Tom Hanks, The Circle, Social Media, and Emma Watson

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