Thursday 6 April 2017

When pranked, the State Department proves it's as humorless as Rex Tillerson's face


Rex Tillerson's State Department is a cold and humorless vacuum, in which laughter suffocates, and smiles are forbidden. 

And we know this how? Because there was an April Fool's joke, that the State Department did not like. Like all April Fool's joke, it was innocuous and silly. Unlike all April Fool's jokes, however, it was subject to the cold, calloused bureaucratic soul of the Department of State in 2017.

On April 1, a blog that tracks happenings in Foggy Bottom published a fake "leaked cable." President Donald Trump's administration has been big on talk of cost-cutting, so the blog—Diplopundit—figured they'd poke fun at some cost-cutting measures at State.  Read more...

More about Email, Cost Cutting, Cable, Jokes, and April Fool S

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